Long considered the Gold Standard for introduction to business courses, this comprehensive, readable text enhances teaching because the experienced author team revises in response to diverse, ever-changing course needs and learning styles. Real-world case studies ensure that students grapple with the most current challenges facing businesspeople today.
The experienced author team, alongside the long-tenured McGraw Hill product team have created a market-leading product that meets the needs of nearly all classrooms, no matter the size, teaching modality or learning objectives.
Using a social-psychological approach, the new edition of this book remains solidly grounded in current research and theory as it offers you unrivaled insight into practices and customs from a variety of cultures. Drawing from their decades of experience as teachers and researchers, the authors integrate stimulating personal accounts with […]
For the introductory geology or physical geology course. Understanding Earth offers both majors and non-majors rock solid content that originated with the ground-breaking text, Earth. In subsequent editions, the text has consistently met the needs of today??s students with exceptional content, currency, interactive learning features, and an overall focus of […]
UNDERSTANDING FOOD: PRINCIPLES AND PREPARATION is your introductory guide to food, food preparation, food service and food science. Integrating these key topics with relevant information about nutrition and the food industry, this best-selling text gives you a thorough overview of the different dimensions of food principles and insight into the […]
The most trusted and comprehensive guide to the healthcare system??fully updated with the latest changes and trends A ?Doody’s Core Title for 2022! Understanding Health Policy: A Clinical Approach?provides everything you need to master the healthcare system??s nuances and complexities, work more effectively with other members of healthcare […]
nspiring your future as a health care professional, Honeycutt’s UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR, 10th Edition, delivers reliable, practical information that equips you with a solid understanding of basic psychological and behavioral concepts from a health care perspective. Updated with the latest industry trends and examples, it streamlines coverage spanning a wide, […]
Understanding Intercultural Communication, 3rd Edition (UIC3) emphasizes a perspective that integrates intersectional identity complexity with a strong values orientation in shaping intercultural contact. We address contemporary issues such as the important roles and effects of technology in our everyday intercultural lives. This is an introductory book designed for undergraduate students, […]
Examine the issues impacting today’s current, fast-shifting business environment and the necessary management solutions with Daft/Marcic’s market-leading UNDERSTANDING MANAGEMENT, 12E. Even before recent upheavals, managers and organizations were buffeted by competitive, social, technological and economic change. Today’s managers face more demands than ever before in the scramble to cope with […]
Nourish your mind with UNDERSTANDING NORMAL AND CLINICAL NUTRITION, 12th Edition! Start by learning about normal nutrition, including the effects of food and nutrients on your mental and physical health, and then turn your focus to the clinical side of nutrition and the therapeutic care of people with health problems. […]