With the Lion’s Gate space port taken by the enemy, Jaghatai Khan of the White Scars prepares a brazen gambit, but one of his former brothers rises to take up arms against him.
Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Resource Recovery 5/e is a thorough update of McGraw-Hill’s authoritative book on wastewater treatment. No environmental engineering professional or civil or environmental engineering major should be without a copy of this book – describing the rapidly evolving field of wastewater engineering technological and regulatory changes that […]
The #1 book to help students engage and participate Building on?We the People??s?unparalleled focus on participation and the citizen??s role, new coauthor Megan Ming Francis uses her experience as an instructor and scholar of race and ethnicity politics to?energize coverage of race and social movements
What in the world is going on up there? Look up! It??s a bird; it??s a plane; it??s a Polar mesospheric cloud! When you look to the sky, do you wonder why the Sun is so bright or why the clouds are white or why the sky is blue? Then, […]
Imaging is ever more integral to anatomy education and throughout modern medicine. Building on the success of previous editions, this fully revised fifth edition provides a superb foundation for understanding applied human anatomy, offering a complete view of the structures and relationships within the body using the very latest imaging […]
The perfect up-to-date imaging guide for a complete and 3-dimensional understanding of applied human anatomy Imaging is ever more integral to anatomy education and throughout modern medicine. Building on the success of previous editions, this fully revised sixth edition provides a superb foundation for understanding applied human anatomy, offering a […]