Varcarolis’ Foundations of Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing, 8th Edition is the most comprehensive RN psychiatric nursing text on the market! Awarded second place in the 2018 AJN Book of the Year Awards in Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing category. User-friendly by design, it simplifies the often-intimidating subject of psychiatric-mental health nursing with […]
Using a practical clinical perspective, Varcarolis’ Foundations of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing: A Clinical Approach, 7th Edition provides a clear understanding of the often-intimidating subject of psychiatric mental health nursing.Clinical chapters follow the nursing process framework and progress from theory to application, preparing you for practice with real-world examples. New […]
Prepare for psychiatric nursing care with this comprehensive, evidence-based text! Varcarolis’ Foundations of Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing: A Clinical Approach, 9th Edition makes it easy to understand the complexities of psychiatric disorders and how to provide quality mental and behavioral health care.
A primary objective in a first course in mechanics is to help develop a student’s ability first to analyze problems in a simple and logical manner, and then to apply basic principles to their solutions.
This one-semester text is designed for an upper-level majors course. Vertebrates features a unique emphasis on function and evolution of vertebrates, complete anatomical detail, and excellent pedagogy. Vertebrate groups are organized phylogenetically, and their systems discussed within such a context. Morphology is foremost, but the author has developed and integrated […]
With the interactive grammar and vocabulary practice, engaging media, and communicative tasks in Vistas, introductory students gain confidence and the cultural understanding needed to take them to the next level. Continuing in the tradition of delivering a fresh, student-friendly approach, the 6th Edition makes students?? learning??and instructor??s teaching??easier and more […]
Teaches visual literacy, theory, scholarly critique, and practical application of visuals in professional communication careers Visual Communication: Insights and Strategies?explores visual imagery in advertising, news coverage, political discourse, popular culture, and digital and social media technologies. It is filled with insights into the role of visuals in our dynamic social […]