Worlds of History offers a flexible comparative and thematic organization that accommodates a variety of teaching approaches and helps students to make cross-cultural comparisons. Thoughtfully compiled by a distinguished world historian and community college instructor, each chapter presents a wide array of primary and secondary sources arranged around a major […]
Open yourself to a world of music with bestselling WORLDS OF MUSIC, Sixth Edition. The text presents an in-depth exploration of the worlds music cultures, with a new chapter on Native American music. Based on the authors fieldwork and expertise, the texts case study approach gives you a true sense […]
Does trauma spark brazen acts? Are eyewitnesses accurate reporters? Can jurors distinguish truth from lies? Answer these and more in WRIGHTMAN’S PSYCHOLOGY AND THE LEGAL SYSTEM, 9th Edition. Real cases such as Bill Cosby and Dylann Roof illustrate the flesh and blood of the psychological issues considered in the book–from […]
Writing Analytically treats writing as a tool of thought, offering prompts that lead you through the process of analysis and synthesis and help you to generate original, well-developed ideas. The authors of this brief, popular rhetoric believe that learning to write well requires learning to use your writing as a […]
WRITING ANALYTICALLY treats writing as a tool of thought, offering prompts that lead students through the process of analysis and help them to generate original, well-developed ideas. The authors of this brief, popular rhetoric believe that learning to write well requires learning to use writing as a tool to think […]
Writing in the Biological Sciences?is a handy reference that new to advanced students can readily use on their own. A variety of student models prepare you for the most common writing assignments in undergraduate biology courses.